Sunday, March 22, 2015

My last sem. in IMU

 Yeah, it's almost 2 weeks before I have my final exam for my last semester in IMU.
I'm really grateful for having those nice and lovely friends around me.
So let the pictures to summarise my LAST sem. in IMU!!!


During hospital attachment in HTJ, Seremban :) 
Travelling from KL to Seremban daily + doing PCPs for almost 2 months = hospital attachment
It was indeed tiring, 
but I've learnt a lot of things that I'm not able to learn from the books from the preceptors there.
 To all the preceptos I met in HTJ,
thanks a million for your guidance :)

Gt a chance to meet this little cutie, Nemo's niece when I was in Seremban.
She is soooooooooo adorable!

Last day of last sem. in IMU with bunch of my best friends :)
LAST presentation in IMU!

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